Friday, August 26, 2011

Rip-diddle-ip-tip it's your biiiirthdaaaay!!

Tylers 21st Birthday was Saturday. He tried to play down the fact that he was *REALLY* excited to finally be 21, but I know that's a complete load.

As soon as I found out that I was going to be around for his birthday, I started scheming on how to make it extra special. I finally settled on a surprise party.

I started planning weeks ago how to do it, where, how to keep it from him, etc.

He asked me to plan something for him while he was in Mongolia. As soon as he got back he asked, "So what are we doing for my birthday!??" I had to say, "Uhh.. I'm really sorry babe, I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to even think about it.."

His little face looked so hurt. He looked and sounded like a beaten puppy. I felt so guilty. Like I actually had forgotten to plan him something, but I didn't really!

He'd been bugging me all week after that to plan something, call people and get everything together so he wouldn't have to "look like a loser planning his own party and asking people to hang out with him on his birthday."

Little did he know, I'd already bought him multiple presents, ordered him a Captain America birthday cake, planned a surprise party, and reserved the waterfront clubhouse.

I had everyone either cancel on him last minute or tell him they already had plans when he invited them out himself. (He was really butt-hurt.)

But we went out out to dinner at the Kailua Pub with our friends Mark, Erin and Woodall (Danny) and  he had a few drinks/shots.  Mark came up with a plan to get Tyler back to the house. We told him we were gona go out in Waikiki, but first we were gona take the cars back home to drop them off and take a cab out.  Then we were all gona go out, and get "completely smashed."

Of course Tyler was game.

At first he poked fun at me for Mark taking more time to plan his birthday than I did. I was counting down the minutes until we got back to the house and I could rub it in his face.

Meanwhile, back at my house I left my friend Alex in charge of letting everyone in, parking cars, last minute touches on the decor and informing everyone when to yell, "SURPRISEEEEE!!!"... and when to shoot him with the confetti guns, that my loving mother provided. (Which were a nightmare to clean up I might add.)

At first I was thinking, "Ok.. awesome.. that gets him back to the house, but how do we get him down to the clubhouse without suspecting anything?!"

Well Mark had that planned out too. He had everyone go up to my house for the inital surprise and hide in the dark with all of the lights out.

As we approached the gates, I shot off a quick text to Alex to let her know we were home. We parked and got out and Mark was already waiting for us.. teeetering and loudly exclaiming he had to crap.. *deepsigh*

So he rushed Tyler to the doors and shouted while he fumbled the keys. Tyler finally got the door open and the lights switched on and over 20 people popped out from every corner of the living room, shot him with confetti poppers and scared the hell out of him. It was perfect!

His face was dark red with a hint of purple. He jumped back about a foot and stood there for a minute before it registered.

All I can say, is its a good thing he doesnt pack a gun. I could just picture him doing a shoot out at his own surprise party.

In the end, there was way too much food and beer, Indy wound up in the pool and Tyler didn't puke. I'd call that a success. :)

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