Friday, August 5, 2011

Rewind and Press Play

So my deployment got delayed again. Various reasons really, but bottom line, I'll be home for at least another month.

It's typical of the military to go back and forth with these types of things. In the past 8 months alone, I was supposed to go to Japan for relief efforts, Washington, Thailand, Cambodia and Afghanistan. Every single one got cancelled. All of them for one thing or another, but the back and forth is to be expected in the military. We're always told, "you're not going and it's not one-hundred percent until you're boots are on the ground."

I won't lie. It toys with my mental stability. One of these days I'm just going to snap and show up to work naked and just be typing away at my desk like nothings wrong or something. I'm not complaining, but its tiresome.

I finally talked to Tyler, who is still in Mongolia. We really only got to talk for like five minutes on Facebook chat, but I'll take what I can get. He's having a blast working with all the different countries and seeing how their military operates. I think they all traded off weapons at some point, he got to shoot an (old) automatic AK-47 that belongs to the Mongolian Army. He also mentioned something about drinking fermented horse milk(???) with some villagers in a tent. He said it was disgusting. They hiked twenty miles up a mountain to a small village to get some vodka that night. (After drinking fermented horse milk, I'd want some too. ...But I would just wait at the bottom and make him bring it back for me.)

Only 9 more days until he comes home though! It should go by quick.

On another note,  I was sitting at the Wright Brothers Cafe on base this morning having breakfast and a submarine on its way out of Pearl Harbor passed by! So naturally, I stood in front of it and took a picture. :)

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