Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Red Light..

This past week I was blessed with an extra week and a half to spend at home. While the circumstances aren't ideal, I'll take whatever time I can get.

I had a bit of trouble getting medically cleared to deploy due to some vertigo episodes I've had the past few months. I get so dizzy and sick that its easily comparable to the worst drunk feeling you've ever had. The room spins, the floor wobbles, my vision slows and when I get goin' really good, I puke.

I spent a long afternoon at Tripler Army Medical about 3 weeks ago. They ran all sorts of blood tests and did a CT scan, but couldn't find anything wrong with me. The problem persists, but since there is no pinpointed cause, they can't hold me here. But just to be sure, I went back to Tripler to nuke my brain one last time to make sure nothing has changed since the last scan.

I've got my final medical clearance appointment coming up to finalize everything. Wish me luck!


  1. Just so you know I have suffered with Vertigo for years and it's no fun, so I feel your pain. Hope it's all worked out for you and gotten better.

  2. Really??? Do they know what causes it or triggers yours? They did all kinds of scans and can't find anything. I think they think I'm lying. :/
